Processing Advance Disbursement

Diubah pada Thu, 18 Jan, 2024 pada 5:26 PM

>>Expenses >Team Expense >Advances

Learn how to disburse your Expense Advance!


Disbursing Advance

Once advances are approved, you may now process the disbursement by following the steps below.

Only authorized employees with edit access to the Expense module can process and pay the pending advances. See the Expense User Rights for reference. Although, admins can still reject approved expenses (if necessary).

Step 1: In Team Expenses >Advances, go to Pending Advance or you can also filter status to "Approved"

Step 2: Disburse the requested Expense Advance


Select the Payment Method and click Confirm.

  • Only approved advances that have been selected for bulk approvals will be included here.
  • The Bulk Approvals page will show a brief overview of the Total Approved Advances and Total Disbursement amount.

Once payment is confirm, a success browser notification will appear that advances disbursed successfully. All Expense Advanced will appear as Disbursed status in the Advances page.

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